Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Target Soccer Clearance

If you're looking for any boys' soccer gear, Target has a bunch on clearance right now. My oldest is taking the 2 week soccer session through Park/Rec this summer, so I was *very* excited to stumble upon this deal:

Cleats: regularly priced $19.99, clearance-priced at $4.98
Socks: regularly priced at $7.99, clearance-priced at $1.98

Most of the shoes are in sizes 4-6, but I found this one pair of 13s, and I saw another pair of 12s. Different sizes may show up... who knows? They also have LOTS of soccer balls and soccer bags on clearance. All of this is located on an end cap near sporting goods, facing the wall with all the little kids' riding toys.

Hope this helps someone!!

1 comment:

  1. awesome find, if Connor didn't despise soccer with every fiber of his being, i would totally be all over this. seriously tina, it's bad. :)
